Slide 1 Hello. I am Tanawong Maison, graduate student in Dr. Hans Stein's lab. My research presentation today is, "Chemical composition of canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers." Slide 2 Here's the outline. Today we have a brief introduction talking about background of canola and rapeseed, and I will also talk about factors that could affect the quality and nutritional values of canola and rapeseed meal. Then I will have materials and methods, results, and conclusions for this experiment. Slide 3 Canola and rapeseed are an oilseed in genus Brassica. Actually, rapeseed has been developed by plant breeders to obtain low erucic acid in oil and low glucosinolates in meal. Then they changed the name from rapeseed to canola -- especially in North America -- and they may call it double-low or double-zero rapeseed in Europe. Slide 4 As you can see here in this picture, on top left, these pictures show how canola and rapeseed growing fields look like. And the top right, you can see canola and rapeseed are in round shape with a different color of seed coat. It could be black, brown, red, or yellow. After oil extraction, then we have canola and rapeseed meal that we can use in animal diets because they contain high concentration of crude protein and amino acids, and low level of glucosinolates. Slide 5 For variety and location of canola and rapeseed: there are two different varieties of canola and rapeseed that they grow in different regions around the world. Brassica napus, that they can grow in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, and U.S.; Brassica campestris or rapa, that they can grow in Northern Europe, Northwestern China, and India. Slide 6 For the composition of canola and rapeseed: canola and rapeseed themselves contain fat ranged from 42-43%, and crude protein ranged from 20-30% depending on varieties of canola and rapeseed and the growing condition that they grown in different regions around the world, as I mentioned before. And these differences could affect nutritional values of seed, and consequently affect the nutritional values in the meals. Slide 7 For oil extraction procedures: there are two different types of oil extraction procedure that they use to remove the oil from canola and rapeseed. They have expeller extraction and solvent extractions. Slide 8 For expeller extraction, they will use a mechanical press to remove the oil from canola and rapeseed. The temperature for conventional expeller extraction could range from 95-130 C depending on speed of the screw that they use in the process. They also have another type of expeller extraction that they call cold press. They control the temperature in this type of process, not greater than 60 C because the virgin oil from this process is in demand of customers who prefer vegetable oil from the process without high temperature and chemical reagent. Slide 9 For solvent extraction, they will use both mechanical press and solvent to remove the oil from canola and rapeseed. They will cook canola and rapeseed in cooking step before moving them to mechanical press to remove 60 to 70% of oil. Then, the rest of the oil will be removed, again in solvent extraction step, that normally they use hexane. After that, the meal will be removed to the desolventizer and toaster to recycle hexane back to use in solvent extraction step again. Slide 10 For chemical composition of canola and rapeseed: the meal from expeller procedure contains crude protein ranged from 33-35%, and contains fat ranged from 9-13%. And, the meal from solvent extractions contains crude protein ranged from 35-38%, and contains fat ranged from 2-5%. Slide 11 By different oil extraction procedures: the chemical composition in canola and rapeseed could be different because the differences in oil extraction efficiency and heat exposures between expeller procedure and solvent extraction procedure could affect energy and amino acid concentration in the meal, and consequently affection nutritional values of the meal. Slide 12 So now, we know the two factors that could affect nutritional values of canola and rapeseed meal are: locations that they grow canola and rapeseed, and processing procedures that they use to remove oil from canola and rapeseed. Slide 13 Therefore, the objectives of this experiment were determining and comparing the chemical composition in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers from different locations and from different processing procedures. Slide 14 We had 26 samples of canola and rapeseed products. Ten samples were canola meal, eleven samples were 00-rapeseed meal, and five samples were 00-rapeseed expellers. Slide 15 We wanted to compare chemical composition in canola meal and 00-rapeseed meal from different locations. So we compared canola meal from North America with 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. Slide 16 We also wanted to compare chemical composition in 00-rapeseed meal and 00-rapeseed expeller from different oil extraction procedures. So we compared 00-rapeseed meal from solvent extraction procedure with 00-rapeseed expeller from expeller extraction procedures. Slide 17 We analyzed gross energy using proximate analysis. We also analyzed crude protein and amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, and glucosinolates. Slide 18 Data was analyzed using Proc ANOVA of SAS. Continents and procedures were included in the model as fixed effects. Sources were included in the model as random effects. And we used Duncan's multiple range test to determine the difference of means at the α level of 0.05. Slide 19 Now, let's talk about the results. And we will talk about proximate analysis first. Slide 20 For gross composition of canola meal and 00-rapeseed meal from different locations, the concentrations of gross energy, crude protein, fat by acid hydrolyzed ether extract, and ash were not different. But the concentrations of dry matter and crude fiber in canola meal from North America were greater than that in 00-rapeseed from Europe. Slide 21 Between 00-rapeseed products from different oil extraction procedures, the concentrations of dry matter, gross energy, and fat in 00-rapeseed expeller from expeller extraction procedure were greater than that in 00-rapeseed from solvent extraction procedures. And the concentrations of crude protein, crude fiber, and ash in 00-rapeseed meal were greater than that in 00-rapeseed expellers. Slide 22 Now, let's talk about the concentration of crude protein and amino acids. Slide 23 For the meal from different locations, the concentrations of crude protein, lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan were not different between canola meal from North America and 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. Slide 24 For the meal from different oil extraction procedures, the concentration of threonine was greater in 00-rapeseed meal from solvent extraction procedures. But the concentrations of crude protein, lysine, methionine, and tryptophan were not different. Slide 25 Carbohydrates. Slide 26 For the concentration of monosaccharides in meal from different locations, fructose and glucose were not different, but the concentration of sucrose was greater in 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. For oligosaccharides, the concentration of raffinose was greater in canola meal, but the concentration of stachyose was not different. Slide 27 For fiber, the concentrations of ADF, NDF, lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose were not different between canola meal and 00-rapeseed meal. Slide 28 For the concentration of carbohydrates in rapeseed products from different oil extraction procedures, the concentration of sucrose was greater in 00-rapeseed meal from solvent extraction procedures. However, other monosaccharides and oligosaccharides were not different. Slide 29 Fiber. The concentrations of ADF and cellulose were not different. But the concentrations of NDF, lignin, and hemicellulose were greater in 00-rapeseed meal. Slide 30 Minerals. Slide 31 The concentration of macro minerals in canola meal and 00-rapeseed meal from different locations. The concentrations of calcium, sodium, and sulfur were not different. But the concentrations of phosphorus and potassium were greater in 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. And the concentration of magnesium was greater in canola meal from North America. Slide 32 For micro minerals, the concentrations of copper and iron were not different. But the concentrations of manganese and molybdenum were greater in canola meal, and zinc was greater in 00-rapeseed meal. Slide 33 The concentration of minerals in rapeseed products from different oil extraction procedures. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur are greater in 00-rapeseed meal. But the concentration of sodium was not different. Slide 34 For micro minerals, the concentration of manganese was greater in 00-rapeseed meal, and other micro minerals were not different. Slide 35 Glucosinolates. Slide 36 The concentration of glucosinolates in 00-rapeseed meal from Europe was greater than canola meal from North America. Slide 37 And the concentration of glucosinolates was not different in rapeseed products from different oil extraction procedures. Slide 38 We observed that most of the chemical composition of canola meal and rapeseed products in this experiment are in agreement with canola meal and canola expellers values in NRC, 2012. And the concentration of fat, gross energy, crude protein, amino acids, ADF, NDF, and minerals are not different between canola meal from North America and 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. This may be because the efficiency of solvent extraction, that they use to remove oil from canola and rapeseed, is not different between North America and Europe. And both of canola meal and 00-rapeseed meal came from the same variety, which is Brassica napus, so the original chemical composition in seeds before oil extraction may be not different. Slide 39 We also observed that the concentration of fat, gross energy, crude protein, amino acids, NDF, and minerals are different between rapeseed products from different oil extraction procedures. And this may be the result of more complete oil removal by solvent extraction procedure in 00-rapeseed meal that caused the differences in chemical composition between the meals. Slide 40 For glucosinolates, the concentration of glucosinolates was different between canola meal from North America and 00-rapeseed meal from Europe. The reason may be the differences in varieties and growing conditions in different locations that could affect the concentration of glucosinolates in canola and rapeseed, and consequently affect the concentration of glucosinolates in meals. According to the recommendation for the level of glucosinolates in pig diets at 2 µmol/g, most sources of canola meal can be used in pig diets at 25-50%, and most sources of rapeseed products can be used in pig diets at 10-20%. Slide 41 With that, we would like to acknowledge ADM, Agrifirm, Bunge, Cargill, and C.P. Group for funding this research. Slide 42 Thank you.