Slide 1 Hi everybody, my name is Oscar Rojas, Ph. D. student at the University of Illinois at the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory. And today I have the pleasure to talk about energy, phosphorous, and amino acid digestibility in Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal and conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs. Slide 2 This is the outline of my presentation. I will start with a brief introduction where I will explain how Lemna protein concentrate is produced. And then I will move on to the three digestibility experiments: energy, phosphorus, and amino acids. And then I will finish my presentation with some conclusions and the implications of this research. Slide 3 To explain how Lemna protein concentrate is produced, it is important to mention that the Lemna plant is also known as a duckweed, and it is a flee floating aquatic plant that grows rapidly on the surface of water. Lemna has a relatively high concentration of nutrients and contains from 35 to 45% of crude protein and crude fiber range from 7-10%. And commercial production of Lemna takes place mainly in tropical climates. Slide 4 The production of Lemna protein concentrate begins when the Lemna plant is harvested. This process separates the liquid portion out of the the pulp portion. When in the process they use the liquid portion, Lemna protein concentrate is produced. And this product can be used as an ingredient in the animal feed field and it has been in testing to be included in human food. On the other hand, the pulp portion can be used either to produce Lemna meal or biocrude. The Lemna meal can be used as an animal feed ingredient, and this ingredient is quite similar to alfalfa meal and that is what can be used to feed cattle. And the biocrude is used to produce renewable fuels. Lemna protein concentrate contains approximately 68% of crude protein. This has a relatively high concentration of indispensable amino acids. And it is therefore possible that Lemna protein concentrate can be used as a replacement for traditional protein sources in diets fed to pigs; but at this point, no data on the nutritional value of Lemna protein concentrate fed to pigs are available. And at this point, I would like to mention that this product is produced for a company called Parabel. Slide 5 This table shows the nutritional composition of Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal. We observed that the Lemna protein concentrate contained 93.9% of dry matter, and in the case of fish meal and soybean meal, it's 89.9 and 89.4 respectively. As we can also see here, crude protein concentration in Lemna protein concentrate is 68%, in fish meal 63.2, and 48% in soybean meal. The concentration of acid hydrolyzed ether extract, phosphorus, and ash is numerically greater in fish meal than in Lemna protein concentrate and soybean meal. And the concentration of gross energy in kcal per kg in Lemna protein concentrate is 5800, in fish meal is around 4400, and in conventional soybean meal, 4300. Slide 6 The objective of this research was to determine the concentration of DE and ME, and calculate the standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus and the standardized ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids, in Lemna protein concentrate; and to compare these values with values in fish meal and soybean meal. Slide 7 Let's start with the energy digestibility experiment. Slide 8 For this experiment, we used 32 barrows with initial body weight of 16.8 kg. We had four treatments with eight pigs per treatment, and fecals and urine samples were collected for five days after five days of adaptation period. Slide 9 For this experiment, we formulated a corn basal diet in addition to three experimental diets which contained the test ingredient -- Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal, and soybean meal -- in addition with corn. Slide 10 The data were analyzed by ANOVA using the Proc Mixed procedure of SAS. The fixed effect was the diet and the random effects were the pig and the replication. Slide 11 Let's move on into the results. Slide 12 In this slide, we observe the apparent total tract digestibility of gross energy. In the X axis, we have from left to right: corn, Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal; and in the Y axis we have the apparent total tract digestibility in percentage. We observe that the apparent total tract digestibility of gross energy was less in Lemna protein concentrate than in corn, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal, and no difference were observed among corn, fish meal and conventional soybean meal. Slide 13 Now, we are looking at the DE concentration on a dry matter basis. The DE concentration was less in corn than in the other test ingredients, but the DE in fish meal was less than in soybean meal but not different than in Lemna protein concentrate. Slide 14 However, when we are looking at the ME concentration, also on a dry matter basis, we observe that no difference were detected among test ingredients. Slide 15 So the conclusion of this experiment is that the apparent total tract digestibility of gross energy was less in Lemna protein concentrate than in the other ingredients, but the ME was not different was not different from the ME in corn, soybean meal, and fish meal. And the implication of this research is that the concentration of ME will, therefore, not be changed if Lemna protein concentrate is used in diets fed to pigs. Slide 16 Now let's move on to the second experiment: phosphorus digestibility. Slide 17 In this experiment, we used 24 barrows with initial body weight of 12.5 kg. We have three treatments with eight pigs per treatment, and in this experiment feces were collected for five days after five days of adaptation period. And data were analyzed as explained for Experiment 1. Slide 18 This slide shows the ingredient composition of the experimental diets. As mentioned before, we formulated three experimental diets where each test ingredient was the only source of phosphorus in the diet. We observed in the first row the test ingredient -- Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal -- and in the second row we have several ingredient such as corn starch, sugar, soybean oil, vitamins and minerals, and salt. Slide 19 Now, let's move on into the results. Slide 20 In this slide, we can see the standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus. The orange bars represent, from left to right in the X axis: Lemna protein concentrate, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal. And in the Y axis we have the standardized total tract digestibility in percentage. We see here that no differences were observed among ingredients. However, the standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus has a tendency to be greater in Lemna protein concentrate than in conventional soybean meal. And the reason of this observation could be explained due to the less concentration of phytate in Lemna protein concentrate than in soybean meal. And this indicates that there is a greater concentration of non-phytate bound phosphorus in Lemna protein concentrate, and this means that the more phosphorus is available to be absorbed in this ingredient. Slide 21 And the conclusion of this experiment is that the standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus had a tendency to be greater in Lemna protein concentrate than in soybean meal. Slide 22 Now, let's move on to the last experiment of today's presentation: amino acid digestibility. Slide 23 In this experiment, we used eight barrows with initial body weight of 21.4 kg. Four diets were formulated. Each period was considered seven days; and the first five days were the adaptation period, and ileal samples were collected for eight hours on days 6 and 7. The design of this experiment was a repeated 4x4 Latin square design with four periods and four diets. Slide 24 Here, we can see the composition of the experimental diets. A nitrogen-free diet was formulated to calculated the basal endogenous losses of crude protein and amino acids. And these values were corrected the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids and crude protein to calculate the standardized ileal digestibility of amino acid and crude protein. In this experiment we used the difference procedure. And that is why we formulated a soybean meal basal diet in addition to the Lemna protein concentrate and fish meal diets. And that's why you observe that soybean meal was included also in the test ingredients: to be able to calculate the amino acids and crude protein digestibility by difference. Slide 25 The data were analyzed by ANOVA using the Proc Mixed procedure of SAS. The fixed effect was the diet and the random effects were the pig and the replication. Slide 26 Now, let's move on into the results. Slide 27 Now, we are looking at the standardized ileal digestibility of lysine. We have, on the X axis: in green, Lemna protein concentrate, in orange, fish meal, and in blue, conventional soybean meal. And in the Y axis we have the standardized ileal digestibility in percentage. The SID of lysine was greater in fish meal than in Lemna protein concentrate, but less than in conventional soybean meal. Slide 28 Now, when we are looking at the SID of methionine, this follows the same pattern as the SID of lysine: it was greater in soybean meal than the other test ingredients. Slide 29 And the SID of threonine here also followed this pattern of the two previous amino acids: it was less in Lemna protein concentrate than in the other ingredients, but it was less in fish meal than in conventional soybean meal. Slide 30 And the conclusion of this experiment is that there was some difference in the SID of amino acids between fish meal and Lemna protein concentrate, but in average, most of the amino acids were not different between these two ingredients. But the SID of most amino acids was slightly less in Lemna protein concentrate than in conventional soybean meal. Slide 31 So the overall conclusions for these three experiments are that the ME concentration in Lemna protein concentrate was not different from the ME in corn, fish meal, and conventional soybean meal. Also that the standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus had a tendency to be greater in Lemna protein concentrate than in soybean meal, the amino acids in Lemna protein concentrate were relatively well digested, but for most amino acids, there were no differences between the amino acids in Lemna protein concentrate and fish meal. Slide 32 And with this, I would like to thank you for your attention. And you are welcome to view and read other information in our website.