
Stein Monogastric Nutrition Lab Podcast iTunes subscription RSS subscription Stein Nutrition Lab YouTube channel

28 Feb 2025 - Effects of diet protein concentration on apparent ileal digestibility of starch and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids in diets fed to growing pigs

30 Jan 2025 - Effects of high fiber on gas production and net energy in diets fed to group-housed pigs

20 Dec 2024 - Soybean oil equivalency of soybean meal in diets fed to growing pigs

26 Nov 2024 - Feed preference of weanling pigs fed diets containing extruded corn ground to different particle sizes

30 Oct 2024 - Interactive effects of extrusion and particle size reduction of corn on metabolizable energy by weanling pigs

30 Sep 2024 - Reduction of particle size of field peas increases net energy and digestibility of starch when fed to growing pigs

19 Aug 2024 - Effect of feeding intact protein from soybean meal instead of synthetic amino acids on energy and nitrogen balance by growing pigs

25 July 2024 - Digestibility of energy by gestating and lactating sows and concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy in diets containing pistachio shell powder or soybean hulls

6 Jun 2024 - Preparation of urines for gross energy analysis

26 May 2024 - Protein Quality Research

24 May 2024 - Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) in pork products

16 May 2024 - Swine Feed Efficiency

24 April 2024 - Effects of increasing dietary protein concentration on digestibility of amino acids by growing pigs

27 March 2024 - Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and concentration of metabolizable energy in three sources of corn fermented protein fed to weanling pigs

29 Feb 2024 - Analysis of fiber in feed ingredients and diets

30 Jan 2024 - Inclusion of corn protein in diets for weanling pigs

20 Dec 2023 - Xylanase or a stimbiotic increased growth performance and total tract digestibility of nutrients by pigs weaned from sows fed a lactation diet without or with xylanase

30 Nov 2023 - Effect of Microbial Phytase on the Digestibility of Phosphorus in seven sources of sunflower co-products fed to growing pigs

30 Oct 2023 - Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids, digestible and metabolizable energy, and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in a new variety of soybeans fed to growing pigs

29 Sep 2023 - Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) for egg and plant proteins

30 Aug 2023 - Effects of different sources and particle sizes of field peas on ileal digestibility of amino acids and starch by growing pigs

20 July 2023 - Interactive effects of pelleting and particle size reduction of corn on ileal digestibility of starch and amino acids in corn-soybean meal diets fed to pigs

27 Jun 2023 - Interactive effects of pelleting and particle size reduction of corn on net energy and digestibility of nutrients in corn-soybean meal diets fed to group-housed pigs

26 April 2023 - Effect of protein sources in low phosphorus diets on the basal endogenous loss of phosphorus

15 April 2023 - Concentration of digestible energy in corn-based diets fed to gestating and lactating sows is increased by adding xylanase to the diets

23 Mar 2023 - Unveiling the Untapped potential of Phytase

20 Mar 2023 - Metabolizable energy and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs may be reduced if excessive heat is applied during drying of corn

24 Feb 2023 - Vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites impact calcium and phosphorus balance in gestating sows

27 Jan 2023 - Effects of increasing dose of a novel E. coli phytase on total tract digestibility of minerals and energy in pigs

19 Dec 2022 - Effects and functions of copper on nutrient utilization in growing pigs

28 Nov 2022 - Isoquinoline alkaloids improve intestinal function of weanling pigs fed corn soybean meal diets formulated below amino acid requirements

27 Oct 2022 - Effects of a probiotic Bacillus strain on ileal digestibility of crude protein, starch, energy, and fat and total tract digestibility of energy and dietary fiber in diets fed to weanling pigs

29 Sep 2022 - Effects of different watering options on standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and net energy in diets fed to growing pigs

25 Aug 2022 - Digestibility of energy, protein, and fat and concentration of metabolizable energy in sunflower meal and sunflower expellers fed to growing pigs

25 July 2022 - Effect of hydrolyzed spray-dried bovine plasma and spray-dried bovine plasma sources on growth performance of weanling pigs

15 June 2022 - Effect of increasing levels of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on ileal and total tract digestibility of nutrients in diets fed to young pigs

23 May 2022 - Effects of P level and increasing phytase dose on basal endogenous loss of Ca and balance of P in pigs fed diets containing P at commercial levels

22 April 2022 - High oil vs. conventional corn: Which energy source is more economical for pigs?

29 Mar 2022 - Nutritional value of a new source of cheese co-product fed to weanling pigs

25 Feb 2022 - Effect of phytase on mineral digestibility and growth performance of pigs

27 Jan 2022 - Cell wall bound ferulic and coumaric acids in diets based on corn, and soybean meal or corn, soybean meal, and distiller dried grains with solubles are poorly fermented in the intestinal tract of pigs

22 Dec 2021 - Requirements for calcium by growing pigs

19 Nov 2021 - Effects of dietary valine, isoleucine, and tryptophan supplementations to diets containing excess leucine on nitrogen balance of growing pigs

28 Oct 2021 - Sunflower expellers have greater ileal digestibility of amino acids than sunflower meal when fed to growing pigs

29 Sep 2021 - Conditioning and expansion increase nutritional value of soybean expellers

30 Aug 2021 - Addition of Hydrochloric acid to collection bags or containers did not change basal endogenous losses or digestibility of amino acid in corn, soybean meal, or wheat middlings fed to growing pigs

17 Aug 2021 - Optimal tryptophan:lysine ratio for 25-40 kg growing pigs fed diets containing 35% distillers dried grains with solubles

28 July 2021 - Hybrid rye can replace corn in diets for growing pigs without impacting growth performance, although pigs prefer to eat corn rather than hybrid rye if given a choice

16 July 2021 - Effect of a novel consensus bacterial 6-phytase variant on mineral digestibility and bone ash in young growing pigs fed diets with different concentration of phytate

24 Jun 2021 - Hybrid rye may replace corn in diets for nursery pigs without negatively affecting average daily gain, but gain:feed may be reduced

11 Jun 2021 - Buttiauxella phytase improves growth performance of weanling pigs fed corn, soybean meal, and canola meal based diets

28 May 2021 - Corn protein has greater digestible amino acids and energy than low-oil distillers dried grains with solubles when fed to pigs and may be used in diets for weanling pigs

12 May 2021 - Effect of spray dried plasma on the standardized ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in diets based on different ingredient combinations fed to young pigs

30 Apr 2021 - Effects of reducing the concentration of Ca and P and increasing microbial phytase on gastric pH, fecal score, growth performance, and bone ash of weanling pigs

30 Apr 2021 - The ash in metacarpals, metatarsals, and tibia is better correlated with total body bone ash than the ash in other bones of growing pigs

30 Mar 2021 - Concentrations of DE and ME and digestibility of phosphorus in a new source of high-protein DDGS fed to growing pigs

23 Mar 2021 - The effect of increasing phytase dose to 1000 FTU/kg on P and Ca digestibility in pigs fed diets without inorganic P

26 Feb 2021 - Effect of feed sweetener and feed flavor on growth performance of weanling pigs

16 Feb 2021 - Isoquinoline alkaloids and nutrient digestibility by growing pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets

29 Jan 2021 - Digestibility of Ca and P in feed ingredients fed to gestating sows and growing pigs

19 Jan 2021 - Review of current data for digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) determined for human foods

20 Dec 2020 - Effects of dietary AA on AA digestibility in soybean meal and soy protein concentrate fed to pigs

7 Dec 2020 - Comparing PDCAAS and DIAAS to evaluate protein quality of roasted and raw pistachio nuts

25 Nov 2020 - Increasing dietary Ca decreases P digestibility in sows and affects serum bone turnover biomarkers

20 Nov 2020 - Differences in amino acid digestibility and protein quality among various protein isolates and concentrates derived from cereal grains, plant and dairy proteins

30 Oct 2020 - Effect of microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in feed phosphates by growing pigs

26 Oct 2020 - Effects of dietary crude protein level on growth performance, blood characteristics, and indicators of gut functionality in weanling pigs

29 Sep 2020 - STTD by growing pigs of P in feed phosphates from volcanic and non-volcanic sources

21 Sep 2020 - Enhanced torula yeast has increased nutritional value compared to fish meal when fed to weanling pigs

30 Aug 2020 - Mineral composition of commercially available feed phosphates

19 Aug 2020 - Digestibility of energy and dietary fiber by growing pigs in corn- or sorghum-based diets without or with microbial enzymes

3 Aug 2020 - The biggest mistake I see in Swine Nutrition

31 Jul 2020 - Effect of formulating diets based on a STTD Ca:STTD P ratio and inclusion of phytase on Ca and P balance of growing pigs

24 Jul 2020 - Effect of formulating diets based on STTD Ca:STTD P and inclusion of phytase on growth performance, plasma Ca and P, and bone ash of 11–130 kg pigs

24 Jun 2020 - Ileal digestibility of amino acids in a new source of distillers dried grains with solubles fed to growing pigs

28 May 2020 - Effects of dietary Ile and Val supplementation to excess or low Leu diets on N balance and metabolism of BCAAs in growing pigs

22 May 2020 - Effects of dietary leucine and tryptophan supplementations on serotonin metabolism and growth performance of growing pigs

28 Apr 2020 - Effects of copper hydroxychloride on growth performance and abundance of genes involved in lipid metabolism of growing pigs

20 Apr 2020 - Effects of copper hydroxychloride & DDGS on nutrient digestibility, intestinal microbial protein in pigs

30 Mar 2020 - Digestibility of amino acids and concentrations of ME and NE are greater in soybean expellers than in soybean meal when fed to growing pigs

27 Feb 2020 - Digestible and metabolizable energy in soybean meal sourced from different countries and fed to pigs

28 Jan 2020 - Calorimeter unit for group-housed pigs

20 Dec 2019 - Effects of extrusion on nutrient and energy digestibility in cereal grains fed to growing pigs

25 Nov 2019 - Protein quality evaluation in processed human foods by the digestible indispensable amino acid score

30 Oct 2019 - Effects of dietary leucine concentration on branched-chain amino acid metabolism in growing pigs

18 Oct 2019 - Effects of isoquinoline alkaloids on growth performance and blood characteristics of weanling pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets

20 Sep 2019 - Basal endogenous loss of Ca and Ca digestibility and retention in sows at three stages of gestation fed diets without and with microbial phytase

28 Aug 2019 - STTD of Ca and response to microbial phytase in different sources of calcium carbonate and dicalcium phosphate

16 Aug 2019 - Bioavailability of valine in a fermentation biomass product relative to the bioavailability in crystalline L-valine when fed to weanling pigs

29 July 2019 - Direct vs. difference method to determine amino acid digestibility in ingredients fed to pigs

28 June 2019 - Effects of copper hydroxychloride and increasing concentrations of dietary fat on growth performance, total tract endogenous loss of fat, and ATTD of fat by growing pigs

20 May 2019 - Influence of the level of dietary digestible Ca on growth performance, bone ash, plasma Ca, and abundance of genes involved in Ca absorption in 11- to 25-kg pigs fed different levels of digestible P

29 Apr 2019 - Description of a novel calorimetric unit to determine net energy in group housed pigs

26 Feb 2019 - Requirement for STTD Ca at different dietary concentrations of STTD P indicated by growth performance and bone ash of 50- to 85-kg pigs

28 Jan 2019 - Crystalline amino acids in diets do not influence calculated values for amino acid digestibility in feed ingredients fed to pigs

15 Dec 2018 - Effects of Dakota Gold DDGS and conventional DDGS on wean to finish growth performance and carcass quality of pigs fed diets that were pelleted or provided in a meal form

27 Nov 2018 - Degradation of dietary fiber in the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine of growing pigs fed corn- or wheat-based diets without or with microbial xylanase

25 Oct 2018 - Effects of various heat treatments on concentrations of DE and ME and on AA digestibility in SBM fed to growing pigs

30 Sep 2018 - Comparative digestibility and retention of calcium and phosphorus by gestating sows and growing pigs

30 Aug 2018 - Effects of Sangrovit® Extra on apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids, crude protein, acid hydrolyzed ether extract, and starch by weanling pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets

31 Jul 2018 - Effect of a novel phytase on growth performance, bone measurements, and Ca and P digestibility in diets fed to growing pigs

25 Jul 2018 - AID and SID of amino acids and starch in hybrid rye, barley, wheat, and corn fed to growing pigs

29 Jun 2018 - Nutritional value of rice coproducts fed to pigs

31 May 2018 - Effects of inclusion rate of high fiber dietary ingredients on apparent ileal, hindgut, and total tract digestibility of dry matter and nutrients in mixed diets fed to growing pigs

25 May 2018 - Effects of inclusion rate of high fiber dietary ingredients on concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in mixed diets fed to growing pigs

30 April 2018 - Copper hydroxychloride improves growth performance and reduces diarrhea frequency of weanling pigs fed a corn-soybean meal diet

30 March 2018 - The interactions between zinc, calcium and phosphorus

28 February 2018 - Insect Meal: An Alternative Protein Source in Swine Diets

30 January 2018 - Nutritional value of palm kernel products fed to pigs

22 December 2017 - Processing and obtaining of palm oil and by-products for animal nutrition

29 November 2017 - Swine Production in Brazil

31 October 2017 - Of Fiber, Carbohydrases, and Pigs

29 September 2017 - Recent advances in using DDGS in the swine industry

29 August 2017 - Effect of particle size of SPC on AA digestibility and concentration of ME, and effect of inclusion of SPC on growth performance of weanling pigs

28 July 2017 - Effects of ZnO and microbial phytase on digestibility of Ca and P in maize-based diets fed to growing pigs

21 June 2017 - Effect of origin of DDGS on ileal digestibility of AA and AEE by growing pigs

12 June 2017- Effects of high NDF diets on the N-balance of pigs fed Thr-limited diets

30 May 2017 - Effects of physicochemical characteristics of feed ingredients on digestibility of dry matter, energy, fiber, and protein by growing pigs

26 April 2017 - Chemical composition and physicochemical characteristics of feed ingredients and effects on in vitro digestibility of DM

30 March 2017 - Chemical composition and amino acid digestibility in soybean meal produced in the United States, China, Argentina, Brazil, or India

28 February 2017 - Requirements for digestible Ca by pigs

31 January 2017 - Absorption of Ca and expression of genes involved in Ca absorption in pigs

21 December 2016 - Requirements for digestible calcium by 100 to 130 kg pigs

21 November 2016 - Effects of full fat or defatted rice bran and microbial xylanase on growth performance of weanling pigs

11 October 2016 - Effect of α-galactosidase on the energy value of SBM and growth performance of weanling pigs

27 September 2016 - Effects of high protein canola meal on digestibility of phosphorus and growth performance in pigs

15 August 2016 - Effects of inclusion of canola meal in weanling pig diets containing different concentrations of energy

25 July 2016 - Effects of a novel phytase on growth performance and metacarpal bone ash in weanling pigs

14 July 2016 - Amino acid digestibility in dairy proteins compared with plant proteins

28 June 2016 - Amino acid digestibility in six sources of meat and bone meal fed to growing pigs

17 June 2016 - Effects of exogenous xylanase on digestibility of energy and nutrients and concentrations of DE and ME in rice co-products fed to weanling pigs

23 May 2016 - Effect of fat sources on ATTD of minerals

9 May 2016 - Effects of fiber, a direct-fed microbial, and feeding duration on digestibility of energy and nutrients by pigs

13 April 2016 - Effect of phytase on ATTD and STTD of Ca in feed ingredients of animal origin fed to growing pigs

29 March 2016 - Digestible calcium requirements and calcium and phosphorus balance for 25-50 kg pigs

18 December 2015 - Protein Quality: Transitions in Food Protein Evaluation

24 November 2015 - Effect of a 3-strain Bacillus-based direct-fed microbial on growth performance and volatile fatty acid production in nursery pigs fed low or high fiber diets

13 October 2015 - Effect of a 3-strain Bacillus-based direct-fed microbial on performance, VFA production, carcass characteristics, and GI tract weights in growing-finishing pigs fed low or high fiber diets

22 September 2015 - Effects of pelleting and extrusion on energy digestibility in pig diets containing different levels of fiber

24 August 2015 - Effects of Sal CURB on digestibility of energy and nutrients by growing pigs

22 July 2015 - Effects of fiber on the optimum threonine:lysine ratio for 25 to 50 kg growing gilts

30 June 2015 - One or two diets for lactating sows?

28 May 2015 - Effects of phytase on phosphorus digestibility of rice co-products fed to growing pigs

11 May 2015 - Digestible calcium requirements and calcium and phosphorus balance for weanling pigs

29 April 2015 - Use of feed technology to improve the nutritional value of feed ingredients fed to pigs

9 April 2015 - Concentration of energy in processed soybean and rapeseed products fed to pigs

31 March 2015 - Effect of particle size of calcium carbonate on apparent and standardized total tract digestibility and retention of calcium by growing pigs

10 February 2015 - Illinois Pork Expo 2015

23 December 2014 - Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in rice bran with and without phytase supplementation in swine diets

23 October 2014 - Estimation of the requirement for standardized ileal digestible lysine in 25 to 50 kg growing gilts

27 September 2014 - Effect of fiber and fat on calculated values for standardized total tract digestibility of calcium in fish meal

3 September 2014 - Digestible, metabolizable, and net energy in diets containing 0, 15, or 30% wheat bran fed to growing pigs

31 July 2014 - Comparative digestibility of energy and nutrients in diets fed to sows and growing pigs

31 July 2014 - Amino acid digestibility in processed soybean and rapeseed products fed to weanling pigs

21 May 2014 - Prediction of concentrations of digestible, metabolizable, and net energy in soybean meal from throughout the United States fed to pigs

14 May 2014 - Effects of high protein canola meals fed to weanling pigs on growth performance, organ weights, bone ash, and blood parameters

30 April 2014 - Effects of reducing the particle size of corn on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs

18 April 2014 - Effect of Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbials on fecal VFA concentrations, growth performance, and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs

30 March 2014 - Effects of microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium in calcium supplements fed to growing pigs

2 December 2013 - Digestible phosphorus in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers without and with microbial phytase fed to growing pigs

21 October 2013 - Chemical composition of canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers

28 September 2013 - Effects of reducing the particle size of corn on energy, phosphorus, and amino acid digestibility by growing pigs

23 August 2013 - Amino acid digestibility in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers fed to growing pigs

13 August 2013 - Retention and digestibility of Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe in pigs fed diets containing inorganic or organic micro minerals

30 July 2013 - Energy value in canola meal, 00-rapeseed meal, and 00-rapeseed expellers fed to growing pigs

27 July 2013 - Effects of using copra meal, palm kernel expellers, or palm kernel meal in diets for weanling pigs

19 June 2013 - Effects of heat damage on the nutritional composition and amino acid digestibility of oilseed meals fed to pigs

5 June 2013 - Heat damage of soybean meal

13 May 2013 - Energy concentration and amino acid digestibility in corn and corn co-products fed to growing pigs

21 April 2013 - Energy and amino acid digestibility in animal protein sources fed to weanling pigs

27 March 2013 - The site of absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract of growing pigs

12 February 2013 - Illinois Pork Expo 2013

17 December 2012 - Nutritional value of animal proteins fed to pigs

20 November 2012 - Carbohydrate composition and in vitro digestibility of DM and NSP in grains and grain coproducts

4 September 2012 - Energy, phosphorus and amino acid digestibility in Lemna protein concentrate

20 August 2012 - Determination of endogenous intestinal losses of calcium in canola meal fed to growing pigs

17 July 2012 - Amino acid digestibility in hydrolyzed feather meal fed to pigs

17 July 2012 - Amino acid digestibility in camelina seeds and camelina expellers fed to growing pigs

17 July 2012 - Amino acid digestibility in blood products fed to weanling pigs

9 July 2012 - The new NRC

12 June 2012 - Energy value of low-fat and de-oiled DDGS to pigs

11 April 2012 - Aspects of fiber nutrition in pigs

29 March 2012 - Energy concentration and amino acid digestibility of high protein, low oligosaccharide, and conventional full fat soybeans fed to growing pigs

27 February 2012 - Use of soybean products in diets for swine

12 December 2011 - 30% corn germ may be included in diets fed to growing-finishing pigs

14 October 2011 - Ileal amino acid digestibility in conventional and low-Kunitz soybeans fed to weanling pigs

12 October 2011 - Digestibility of energy and nutrients in cereal grains fed to growing pigs

10 October 2011 - Corn and corn co-products fed to swine

22 September 2011 - Effect of novel carbohydrates on AID and ATTD of GE and nutrients in semi-purified diets fed to pigs

21 September 2011 - Caloric value of novel carbohydrates fed to pigs

15 September 2011 - Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus by pigs: Update

29 July 2011 - Digestibility of amino acids in corn, corn co-products, and bakery meal fed to growing pigs

27 July 2011 - Adding saturated fats to DDGS-based diets: Effects on pork fat quality

30 June 2011 - Evaluation of in-vitro procedures to predict the DE in yellow dent corn

24 May 2011 - Valuing feed ingredients, Part 2: Nutrients in the GI tract

2 May 2011 - Valuing feed ingredients, Part 1: Feed ingredient composition

25 March 2011 - Amino acid digestibility and concentration of DE and ME in a threonine co-product

25 March 2011 - Amino acid digestibility and energy content of coconut and palm co-products

24 March 2011 - Adding saturated fats to DDGS-based diets: Effects on growth performance and carcass characteristics

24 March 2011 - Digestibility of amino acids in canola, cotton, and sunflower products fed to weanling pigs

21 March 2011 - Phosphorus and amino acid digestibility in fermented and conventional soybean meal fed to weanling pigs

23 February 2011 - Estimation of the ideal standardized ileal digestible tryptophan:lysine ratio in 10 to 20 kg pigs

23 February 2011 - Determination of lysine and tryptophan requirements in 10 to 20 kg pigs

24 November 2010 - Standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus by pigs

7 October 2010 - Phosphorus digestibility in blood meal fed to pigs (audio only)

13 September 2010 - Amino acid digestibility in blood meal fed to pigs (audio only)

21 July 2010 - Effects of a novel phytase on phosphorus digestibility in corn-soybean meal diets fed to weanling and growing pigs

8 July 2010 - Impact of sulfur on palatability and performance of pigs fed DDGS-diets

14 April 2010 - Phosphorus and energy digestibility in enzyme treated soybean meal

8 April 2010 - Energy concentration and phosphorus digestibility in milk products fed to weanling pigs

5 March 2010 - Recent research into phosphorus digestibility in pigs (audio only)

19 February 2010 - Amino acid digestibility in heated soybean meal fed to growing pigs

6 January 2010 - Mycotoxins in swine diets

6 January 2010 - Mycotoxins in swine diets (audio only)

16 December 2009 - Diplodia ear rot in corn (audio only)

16 December 2009 - Feeding wheat to pigs (audio only)

15 December 2009 - Welcome! (audio only)

External podcasts


10 June 2014 - Reducing the percentage of cropland devoted to production of corn ethanol

Dr. Stein appeared on the AgriTalk program to talk about a study of land usage attributed to corn ethanol production in the United States. Audio courtesy of AgriTalk, powered by Farm Journal.


21 January 2014 - Effecto del tamaño de partícula del maiz en el rendiiento de cerdos

Oscar Rojas, Ph. D. candidate in the Stein Monogastric Nutrition Laboratory, was interviewed on the Spanish-language podcast Cerdocast: El podcast de la porcinocultura en Latinoamérica. He discussed his research on the effect of corn particle size on digestibility of phosphorus, amino acids, and energy in diets fed to pigs.